Happy 3nd week of January already! I guess we all made it through the lack of "snowmageddon"--pretty while it lasted, but this morning ice skates are required! Please be careful everyone!
Just a reminder that our MEET & GREET is tomorrow! Monday, 1/13 at 6:30 PM at HUMC.
Please enter through the main entrance (under overhang) and proceed to the Worship Center. DO NOT GO IN THE SIDE DOOR!
There is another event going on in our usual space! If you need to use the restroom, please use the ones on the far side of the building.
Register/pay dues in the lobby area. Check, CC, Venmo, Cash.
Please consider "rounding up" your dues to help the NMCC organization!
You can register using the QR code on the flyer attached or in person.
Also, please bring your folder if you didn't already turn it in!
You will NOT be taking home any music tomorrow night, but we WILL be singing through a piece or two to give you a taste of what's coming!
We will NOT have rehearsal next week due to the MLK Holiday & Inauguration Day.
First rehearsal is Monday, 1/27 6:30-8:30PM at HUMC
We will have a few performance opportunities this spring, however, our mainstage performances will center around the weekend of May 16-17, with final rehearsals earlier that week 5/12-15. More details coming!
GENERAL QUESTIONS??? Please reach out to info@nmccsings.org or find an NMCC Board Member tmw night!
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Stay warm!